"Inspired by L.M.Montgomery novel this series follows adventures of residents of Prince Edward Island in early 1900s. A young rich girl, Sara Stanley, is sent to live with country relative Hetty King. Hetty's brother Alec have three children Felicity, the perfectionist, Felix, who always has an idea which doesnt go as plan and quiet Cecily who loves the farm, and they will soon become Sara friends."
Ok, as an Anne of Green Gables-ophile how did I NOT know about this show? Ahhh Netflix...how do I love thee? I am only at disc one presently, which I am sure I can tear through tonight, then will have to patiently await the next disc. Should probably be waiting until summer classes are over, but this is a dvd viewing emergency!
Ok, as an Anne of Green Gables-ophile how did I NOT know about this show? Ahhh Netflix...how do I love thee? I am only at disc one presently, which I am sure I can tear through tonight, then will have to patiently await the next disc. Should probably be waiting until summer classes are over, but this is a dvd viewing emergency!